Art Direction
In 2013 I was given the opportunity to Art Direct the visual language for Keith Olbermann’s unexpected return to ESPN. This required a full blown animation package as well as an insert graphics look to be built from scratch, a ton of elements. The look revolves around a spindle device which holds content and transitions both to and from our logo. We relied on old photos Keith had in his private collection of early journalism (including his original ESPN employee photo I.D.) that he personally scanned in for us. We used photos from his career that paired him with athletes over the years. Photos of what he considered the most important sporting events that he had attended, for authenticity. And lastly we did a shoot with him in his current state, dressed to the nines, writing with alot of chalk.
This project holds a very very special place in my heart and I consider myself lucky to have been a part of it. Olbermann.
Art Direction: Timothy J. O’Shaughnessy
This was made in conjunction with LoyalKaspar and a big thanks to Daryl Mascarhenas