College Basketball

Fandon + Attitude = Fanitude

Buzzer beaters, Cameron Crazies and Diaper Dandies. College Hoops has a unique place in the hearts of sports fans. This world is engineered to quickly support all college teams while being dynamic, fun and energetic.

Made in ESPN Creative Studio in partnership with Troika.

Fun Franchises

CBB has a rich franchise system that applies storytelling and fun to our animatons.

Dynamic Logo System

There are upwards of 50+ titles in College Hoops and we created a device that would brand universally and create animation opportunities.

351 Teams

We created a tiered team system that had levels of production value that would thread out through the 351 teams in CBB.

Building the Brand

This system has to account for numerous titles so we obviously tested a ton of marks. Once settled we landed on a box based system that can adjust for any title and sponsorship combination.

Insert Gfx

This look has its own insert system that uses the sneaker based textures of the game to add subtle design accents to each backplate.

Frenzied Franchises

There is no design world on ESPN’s airwaves with a more dynamic Franchise system than CBB. Each layout has a story to tell, a fun expressive moment within. This is the example of how strong the brand DNA is in College Hoops.

Team & Player Identities

We built a diverse 2D design system for all 351 teams and we tiered up in complexity from there. More production value and higher end animation hits the plate once we get into conference play.

Cel Animation

The fun stuff. Pairing up classic sayings with cel animations that highlight players, this is the next level unlocked.